Custom Paver Walkways And Entrances Give Your Bay Area Home Style
November 25th, 2020 | by codyallenThe first impression people get of your home is usually the walkway and front entrance because this is the path they follow to come into your home. A concrete sidewalk and brick steps leading to the porch have been the norm for decades, but how attractive is it – really? As Bay Area interlocking concrete paver and hardscapes professionals, we know a custom appearance can make a huge difference in not only the path and entrance, but the overall curb appeal of your home. Every element counts when it comes to curb appeal, from the smallest to the largest.
Concrete pavers are available in a wide array of textures, shapes and colors so it’s easy to design a distinctive look regardless of whether your property is level or sloped. A custom walkway not only adds to visual appeal, but makes navigating to your front door safer than stepping stones or other materials.
What if your property is sloped? Oftentimes this makes for an even more beautiful project, as it’s possible to incorporate sections of gradual steps with custom paver walkways that are angled or straight. You can add a lot of dimension and interest to your property – and it lays the foundation for beautiful landscaping along your walkway!
Whether you choose concrete pavers that are bold and contrast in color or those that complement and blend with the color of your home, concrete pavers are virtually maintenance-free and stand up to the hard rains, sunshine and other elements we often experience in the San Francisco Bay Area. No worry about ugly cracks or chunks breaking off as you have with regular concrete; just a gorgeous walkway and entrance you’ll love and your neighbors will envy.
It’s spring, the ideal time to spruce up your landscape and distinguish it from every other home on the block. Contact The Paver Guys today, and transform your outdoor living spaces!